الانتقال الى مكتبة الفيديو
Press statement issued by the Coordinating Committees of the Iraqi Democratic Movement Abroad
الثلاثاء 23-05-2017
The Coordinating Committees of the Iraqi Democratic Movement Abroad

We strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Manchester

At least 22 people have been killed and 59 injured, including children, in a blast at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, Monday night May 22, 2017 in the deadliest terror attack on British soil since the 2005 London bombings.

Police have named 22-year-old Salman Abedi as the suspected bomber behind the attack.

They believed the suspect carrying explosives acted as a lone attacker and died in the blast, and that they are now trying to determine if he may have been part of a wider network. A 23-year-old man was arrested Tuesday in south Manchester in connection with the bombing.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, but offered no evidence to support its claim.

We, at the Coordinating Committees of the Iraqi Democratic Movement Abroad, strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Manchester, and mourn the lives of men, women, and children taken by this cowardly act.

We call on the international community to unite in defeating the extreme religion ideologies, and to punish the countries that spread and aid such ideologies.

We call on the countries of the world to unite in defeating ISIS in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and other places, and to help those counties build civil and democratic societies, to prevent terrorism from emerging again.

We express our deep condolences and sorrow for the victims and their families harmed in this meaningless attack.

The Coordinating Committees of the Iraqi Democratic Movement Abroad

May 23, 2017


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